Whilst I have been writing about lots of exciting things connected with Christmas, I am well aware that this time of year isn't always about sparkle and happiness for everyone. Before I reach the end of my advent quest , to write something here everyday until we get to Christmas, I'd like to take a moment to pause for thought. If things are difficult, it is good to know that there are people you can turn to, people who give up their own time to be available to listen, to advise and to support.
As the 25th approaches, perhaps its worth just checking with neighbours, friends or relatives that we haven't spoken to for a while. It's easy to get caught up in all our own preparations and arrangements to get people and presents to different places. So much so that we might not notice when others are quiet, or feeling low. It's worth keeping these numbers to hand, as we never know when we might need to lean on someone for support. All the expectations attached to Christmas and New Year plans can be overwhelming. With this in mind, I have chosen to share a poem of mine, to remind us that we all need someone to listen at times.
I will sit by your side today,
And hold your hand and listen,
Just wait to hear what you have to say,
Not rush you and send you on your way,
Not trivialise or belittle,
Not suggest that it's not all bad,
Not give reasons for why you're sad,
I will just sit there quietly, by your side,
And be the one to listen.
Karen Honnor: 'Diary of a Dizzy Peri - Poems and thoughts on midlife, menopause and mental health.' 2020